Tuesday, June 30, 2009

RUNNER UP in OhMyCrafts

Well Its an honor to be picked but boy it would of been so cool to win something. lol Last thing I ever won was a plastic picnik table for my kids when there were very very little. They are now 22, 20 and 17. So its been awhile lol I was acutally kinda floored that all of a sudden my layout appeared on the facebook page. I couldn't figure out why I was there until I logged into OhMyCrafts Blog.. and have been honored to grace there front page. Wow.. ME... My layout, my first wedding layout, my first "lacing" techinque too. Pretty cool.

Anyway.. I'm still trying to figure out this blogger thing.. wow kinda confusing lol But I'm still trying.

Thanks for reading, (if anyone actually reads this ever)